Food intolerances and allergies, toxins, sugar, antibiotics, parasites and stress can all wreak havoc with the gastrointestinal system, upsetting the balance in your intestine as well as allowing harmful substances to enter the system. Gas, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, or abdominal discomfort may be the first clue that something is out of balance. At the Colon Care Centre we offer laboratory diagnosis to help identify the exact cause of digestive discomfort. People generally choose to opt for such tests when they have tried other treatment methods but failed to get results. However, some people opt for these tests straight away as tests can provide a much simpler and faster way of getting to the root of digestive issues. For our full range of food intolerance and diagnostic tests and prices click here.
There is a lot of confusion about the terms food intolerance and food allergy, and the differences between them. Many people think they have a food allergy when in fact their symptoms can sometimes indicate food intolerance instead. The Colon Care Centre offers two different laboratory tests – one that measures food specific IgG antibodies, also known as food intolerances and one that measures food and environmental IgE allergies.
Up to 45% of the population suffer from food intolerance which, whilst not life threatening, can have a negative impact on many aspects of daily life. When foods and drinks are digested the proteins within them are broken down into smaller fragments for easy absorption into the body. Larger fragments can pass through without breaking down, and sometimes the body reacts to them as invaders, attacking them using antibodies called Immunoglobulin (IgG). This can cause inflammation and a wide range of symptoms including:
The Colon Care Centre food intolerance tests offer the most scientific approach available on the market. A simple finger prick test is analysed in the laboratory for IgG antibody reactions to food and drink ingredients. The presence of food-specific IgG antibodies indicates a potential sensitivity to that particular food or drink ingredient. There is good evidence that you will benefit by eliminating any identified trigger ingredient(s) from your diet.
Benefits to you:
- Hospital standard laboratory tests
- Finger prick blood tests – no full blood draw necessary
- Fast turnaround of results
- Comprehensive colour coded results providing recommendations for a “fast tracked” elimination diet
- Comprehensive support pack to ensure you make the most of your results
- 3 out of 4 patients feel better after acting upon the results of their food and drink intolerance tests
For our full range of food sensitivity, allergy and diagnostic tests and prices click here.
The Colon Care Centre offers laboratory examination of stool samples with one of the global leaders in functional laboratory testing to provide an even more comprehensive picture of your health. These diagnostic tests can reveal important clinical information about:
- The presence of parasites
- Bacterial and Yeast overgrowth that may underlie gastrointestinal symptoms, chronic fatigue, mood shifts and weakened immune system
- Altered bacterial balance (chronic dysbiosis) and inflammation that can impair absorption, leading to nutrient deficiencies
- Maldigestion and the cause of symptoms such as gas and bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and constipation
- Short Chain Fatty acid deficiency linked to ulcerative colitis
- Digestive dysfunction that can set the stage for development of leaky gut, food allergies and toxic stress
- Natural & prescriptive treatment options for any microbes identified
People generally choose to opt for diagnostic tests when they have tried other treatment methods but failed to get results. However, some people opt for these tests straight away as tests can provide a much simpler and faster way of getting to the root of digestive issues.
All of the diagnostic test kits listed below can be ordered from the Colon Care Centre by email.
If you would like to order a test kit but are unsure of which one, please book for an initial consultation to discuss your symptoms and treatment or test options.
Initial Consultation or Follow up 30 minutes £50
Includes guidance on appropriate treatment and test options plus supplementary, dietary & lifestyle advice – ideal for those uncertain about which route to take.
Food Intolerance Gold £185 (including Colonic treatment £250)
Our most comprehensive food & drink intolerance programme, which tests and analyses for reactions to 200 food & drink ingredients. Click here to see list of foods tested. Includes a 30 minute follow up consultation
Food / Environmental Allergy Test £185 (including Colonic treatment £250)
Our comprehensive food & environmental allergen test, which tests for IgE reactions to 23 foods and 19 environmental allergens.
Food Intolerance Gold & Food / Environmental Allergy Test £280 (including Colonic £350)
Our most comprehensive programme, which tests for IgG reactions to 200 food & drink ingredients, IgE reactions to 23 foods and 19 environmental allergens, plus an optional 60 minute colonic treatment.
Comprehensive Microbiology & Parasitology from £210 (plus £50 for follow up consultation)
Assesses bacteriology, mycology (yeasts), parasitology and infectious pathogens using stool analysis. A sensitivity panel identifies prescriptive & natural treatment options for any bacteria or yeasts found.
Microbiology Profile from £100 (plus £50 for follow up consultation)
This stool test assesses beneficial bacteria, pathogenic bacteria & yeasts and identifies prescriptive & natural treatment options.